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Songs for learning facts

Dinosaur Dance
Learn facts about the dinosaurs and get your body moving while you are at it!

Funky 3D Shapes Song
I love this! It's fun to sing and then try to find the different shapes around your house - which objects match the different shapes? 
"And a pyramid..." 

Months of the Year Song
This is so simple, but one of our favourites... You'll never muddle up the order of the months again!
We LOVE this song! It helps us to remember all of the continents in the world and also some facts about each place. And it's funky. 
Five Oceans Song
Can you watch and remember the names and features of different oceans across the world?

Tricky Words Song
You know... those words that we forget how to read or spell because they don't follow the rules? But words that we need to use ALL the time?! This song is helpful for singing as we read and teaching our brains to remember how those words look. They won't be tricky once you know them!
Phonics Song
This is a useful song for linking letters of the alphabet with their phonetic sounds and a word beginning with that sound. We sing it in reception class a lot!

Alphabet Songs
You'll already know other alphabet songs, but this is a favourite of Mrs Woolfenden - sung here by Kermit and the awesome Ladysmith Black Mambazo.
And this is a great new song from Sesame Street, featuring Usher:
This one is crazy, but quite fun:

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